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NEO Summer Retro Coding Contest 2010 for all retro platform announcement

NEO Summer Retro Coding Contest 2010 for all retro platform announcement
*** close time: Aug.20th 2010 ***
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6166.0.html

* Homebrew Game division
There are 10 winners for all platform

* Homebrew APP division
There are 10 winners for all platform

Note: The platform just specify to the retro console, something like NES/PC-E/MD/SNES/N64/GBA/NDS/PSP/PS/PS2/iphone …… without any limit (but not included PC/MAC compute)

The rules of NEO Summer retro coding contest 2010:

[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.

[2] With this contest we will keep to use the new judge way still — everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , and you must give out your own top 10 winner judgment, from here you can find the good "TOP REVIEWER" sample — http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/board,108.0.html

    We will keep the award — "NEO TOP REVIEWER" , we will check all review reports and choose the top one reviewer from each division and give out the prize.

[3] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it has updated a lot) to enter this contest again.

[4] You can submit more than one project for any platform at the same time, without any limit.

[5] You must put the NEO Retro Compo badge and NEO website link  to your program when it start to run.

[6] If your production have enter other contest before, you can enter this NEO contest still.

[7] You don't need public your source code, but if you can PM to us for refer is welcome.

Here is teh badge for this compo, every coder can modify the badge size and background color to match with your project color, just please keep our design style, don't modify it too much :)
And one more time to mention, every coder need keep the NEO website URL link in the badge screen.

the original coreldraw v10 design file download: http://www.neoflash.com/compos/neo_coding_2010_badge_original_file.rar

The top 10 prize list for the winners:

The No.1  : US$500 cash , OR choose any items from the ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$800 total value.

The No.2  : US$300 cash , OR choose any items from the  ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$500 total value.

The No.3  : US$200 cash , OR choose any items from the  ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$300 total value.

The No.4~10  : Can choose any items from the  ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$100 total value, or choose US$100 cash.

The 2 NEO Top Review winners (each division will have one TOP winner) can choose anyone item from the  ic2005.com NEO online shop (just not over U$150 total value), or choose US$100 cash.


See you soon! 


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