
The SMS4 & MD & N64 & SNES & PC-EÂ Myth flash cart_ Pro programmer V1.20 [Nov.1st 2011]Â
History: * update all myth cart menu to the last one * support the NEO3-SD detect * fix some bugs
download:Â http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7219.0.html

The NEO Retro Coding Compo 2011 final result! After some works (busy for upgrade whole server), here we are pleased to announce the final result of the Neo Retro Compo 2011, congrats to all winners! Thanks for your support and contribution to let us can hold this contest so long time! more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7175.0.html
Total prize amount: USD 4100.00
We will ship the prize in next weekend, please tell us what you want for your prize, you can choose the PAYPAL USD cash, or can choose the same value goods from www.ic2005.com , just same with last Neo compo.
Post your wish to here: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7174.0.html Because this compo got a very limit entries ,so we can't sure should we keep to run the 2012 compo still or not, maybe the 2011 compo is the last one contest we can keep to running, please give out your opinion —http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7146.0.html
good luck to everyone.
#1 N64 myth cart + 1024M Neo2 Pro SD flash cart 2011 bundle kit, same price but with more features
N64 myth cart + 1024M Neo2 Pro SD flash cart 2011 bundle kit, same price but more valuable!
The NEO N64 Myth cart SPEC v3: * Support the N64 rom size up to 512M, and load ROMs from SD/TF directly * Support all save type perfectly included the flash save, not need the same save type N64 game cart to work together * Support 99.8% N64 games perfectly * Download games from PC to NEO2 cart directly via USB port, and the save will keep on SD/TF also * Upload/overwrite game save to PC via USB directly * Multi-CIC support, can use any N64 cart to boot Neo Myth on N64 console * Support Multi games, can select games on N64 MENU * Upgradeable! Support upgrade the N64 Myth cart CPLD logic core through the NDP upgrade kit * Ability to backup/restore saves from the cart plugged on the back to the SD * SD save manager with mempack save/restore support * SD automatic save states ( supported all known formats :.eep .fla :.sra etc ) * .NES roms can be played from the SD using emulator * All known rom formats are supported : .N64 , .V64 , .Z64 * Automatic save/cic type detection * Opensource menu
this bundle kit come with one 1024M Neo2 pro SD flash cart, can load N64 roms from SD/TF directly, fast and easy to use

it support almost SD and TF card,plug and play

#2 MD myth cart + Neo3-SD cart 2011 bundle kit
MD myth cart + Neo3-SD cart 2011 bundle kit release
A.SEGA MEGA DRIVE & GENESIS GAME CARD SUPPORT ALL MD GAMES SUPPORT SUPER STREET FIGHT II (40M) SUPPORT ALL GAME SAVE LIKE PHANTA STAR SUPPORT ALL SPECIAL GAME SAVE LIKE WONDER BOY V (EEPROM) B.SEGA 32X SUPPORT ALL 32X GAMES SUPPORT ALL 32X SAVE C.SEGA MASTER SUPPORT ALL MARK III GAMES INNOVATION! BUILD IN YM2413 FM SYSTEM, CAN OUTPUT MARK III FM SOUND ON MD/GENESIS CONSOLE D. SEGA CD CD BIOS (PLAY ANY REGION GAME CD ) CD BACK RAM E. MD GAME RAM BACKUP CAN BACKUP MD GAME SAVE TO NEO2 CART F. General hardware info * Can run on USA/JPN/EUR/NTSC/PAL MEGA DRIVE(genesis) console, Multi Region support ( except 32X games ) * Huge memory size, from 256M to 1G, maximum can store 1024 pcs 1M roms, or 32 pcs 32M roms * The maximum single rom size up to 40M * MEGA DRIVE Cheat code support (coming later) * Build in 4M SRAM save,use battery to keep the data * Support multi rom format file, like *.SMD, *.BIN, MGD2 format * Built in Cheat editor and cheat scripting support for GG/Hex/Ar codes(seehttp://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6110.0.html) * Built in SD save manager * CD BACKUP RAM support and ability to save/restore to/from SD * SCD bios loading from the SD * Automatic save/restore of SRAM to/from SD * Automatic save type detection * IPS patching support from the SD * SMS loading from the SD(NEW HW REV) * All known rom formats are supported : .SMD-MSB , .SMD-LSB , .BIN , .GEN , .MD , .32X , .MARS , .SMS ( with bad header patching ) * VGM playback engine * Opensource menu

#3 SNES myth cart + Neo3-SD cart 2011 bundle kit
The NEO SNES/SFC Myth cart SPEC v2:
* Support ALL SNES/SFC console,all in one solution * Support the SNES/SFC rom size up to 64M * Support all save type * Support 99.5% SNES/SFC games , and sure, some special game need DXP cart support * Download games from PC to NEO2 cart directly via USB port * Upload/restore game save to PC via USB directly * Multi-CIC support, can use any SNES/SFC cart to boot Neo Myth on you SNES/SFC console * Support Multi games, can download many games at the same time and swap the game via menu on your TV * Upgradeable! Support upgrade the SNES/SFC Myth cart CPLD logic core through the NDP upgrade kit * Use the GBA (Neo) cart or an SD card for storage of games. * Support for cheat codes (Game Genie and Action Replay) (plugin & menu. Plugin supports the Deluxe Cheat format by default : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6110.0.html). * Support for detection/fixing of software region protection ( plugin & menu ). * Different reset modes supported; reset to game, reset to menu (requires firmware 2.1 or later). * SPC playback (SNES music). * VGM/VGZ playback (Sega Master System / Game Gear music) (SD mode only). * Supported formats : .SMC (SNES games) , .SPC (SNES music) , .VGM (uncompressed Sega Master System / Game Gear music) * Long filename support * Zipped rom support ( only up to 1MB uncompressed ) * IPS patching ( plugin )
this bundle kit come with one Neo3-SD cart, support SD (and TF ), same price,but give you one more choice.

all in stock now.
The new SNK Super MVS Convertor plus 2011 version released more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7154.0.html
new feature: * Auto adjust the SNK screen parameter,not need manual adjust anymore * Support chip core upgrade via NDP * Support more games and more stable
the plus version details:

you can find the 2 upgrade ports and one USB port on the bottom

how to connect the NDP to upgrade:

IN STOCK NOW, the old black version have stop to produce.
The SEGA MKIII 256M myth cart released more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7155.0.html
final SPEC:
* real FM sound output * support the rom up to 16M * support the Multi games, choose game on TV menu * support all save type * download games from USB to NEO2 cart via Slim Loader IV * upload/overwrite game save to PC via USB via Slim Loader IV
the product looking

How to sue: specify the MKiii BIOS path to the "NEOSEGA4.BIN" BIOS file, and add "NEOSEGA4_Menu-Back.SMS" this file as the FIRST ROM, after it you can add other SMS game to it, then start to burn.

The new version of NEO 3DS&NDS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.26 released
History: * Fixed one file name bug please test and report to us 
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The NEO Retro Coding Compo 2011 is closed! Have 20 entries total |
We will consider should keep to run this compo in 2012 or not,maybe a public poll is need … |
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7147.msg51574.html
Anyway, below is the entries list for this compo 2011: |
The APP division, total 8 entries |
Author |
[PSP APP] pspythagoras |
by JamesC |
[NDS APP] WhatTheHex |
by x711Li |
[NDS APP] Wildlife Greenhouse |
by SimplexProductions |
[NDS APP] TuneItDS |
by SimplexProductions |
[N64 APP] Myth64 Video Player |
by Conle |
[DS APP] U.S.A. Naturalization Civics Test |
by DesertDog |
[PSP APP] PSP Music Center |
by RNB_PSP |
[PSP APP] AnyLanguageStudy v2.0 |
by nakano |
The GAME division, total 12 entries |
Author |
[NDS GAME] Flyin' |
by ds |
[NDS GAME] DScraft |
by smealum |
[PSP GAME] Hamtaro Holidays v2 |
by leviadragon |
[PSP GAME] Spacial Wars! |
by 10$man |
[Wii & GC GAME] Toy Wars |
by davidgf |
[NDS GAME] Everyman |
by algraphics |
[PSP GAME] REminiscencePSP v0.2.1 |
by Sektor |
[NDS GAME] Mind Maze – Neo Compo 2011 Entry |
by NightFox |
[NDS GAME] Arsenal |
by smealum |
[SNES GAME] MegaFamilyBros V1.0 |
by dieudunet |
[NDS GAME] Super Smash Bros Crash! DS |
by miguel28 |
[PSP GAME] Company v1.0 – Story Edition |
by nakano |
Now is the time to do your homework — make the nice review to win the TOP NEO REVIEWER award! |
Here is the last time neo review collection: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/board,131.0.html |
We will announce the compo result after 2 weeks, so you have around 10 days to do this homework 🙂
PS: sorry for the later announce,because busy to fix the server problem,seems got some hack attack… |
SEE YOU AT NEXT NEO RETRO CODING COMPO AGAIN — Aug.20th 2012? Not sure yet, we need your poll now : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,7146.0.html |
Okay, I've bumped the current menu to v2.4b1. If you missed it, v2.3 added the save manager for saving save memory and save/restore of MemPak save memory. New to this version is running NES games – when you select an NES game from the SD card, the menu loads the Neon64 emulator, appends the game, recalculates the checksum, and starts the emulator. The current version of Neon64 is included with the archive and must be copied to the SD card; copy the neon64 directory from the archive to the /menu/n64 directory on the SD card.
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the final version of NEO 3DS SMS2/SMS4 Backup Master V1.24 released

the final version NEO 3DS SMS2 Backup Master V1.21 released download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6933.0.html
History: * Support the 3DS 4M eeprom chip

NEO Summer Retro Coding Contest 2011 for all retro platform announcement *** close time: Aug.20th 2011 *** more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6802.0.html
* Homebrew Game division There are 10 winners for all platform
* Homebrew APP division There are 10 winners for all platform
Note: The platform just specify to the retro console, something like NES/PC-E/MD/SNES/N64/GBA/NDS/PSP/PS/PS2/iphone …… without any limit (but not included PC/MAC compute program)
The rules of NEO Summer retro coding contest 2011:
[1] All original entries will get +5 "original score " , but the second entry (same project from last contest but improved, and just enter one more time again ) will don't get any "original score" in this contest.
[2] With this contest we will keep to use the new judge way still — everyone can become the judger! You just need test all contest entering and submit your very detailed test report to us , and you must give out your own top 10 winner judgment, from here you can find the good "TOP REVIEWER" sample — http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/board,108.0.html
We will keep the award — "NEO TOP REVIEWER" , we will check all review reports and choose the top one reviewer from each division and give out the prize.
[3] The No.1 winner from last Neo contest can't use their same project (even it has updated a lot) to enter this contest again.
[4] You can submit more than one project for any platform at the same time, without any limit.
[5] You must put the NEO Retro Compo badge and NEO website link to your program when it start to run.
[6] If your production have enter other contest before, you can enter this NEO contest still.
[7] You don't need public your source code, but if you can PM to us for refer is welcome.
Here is the badge for this compo, every coder can modify the badge size and background color to match with your project color, just please keep our design style, don't modify it too much And one more time to mention, every coder need keep the NEO website URL link in the badge screen.
the original Corel Draw v10 design file download: http://www.neoflash.com/compos/neo_coding_2011_badge_original_file.rar

The top 10 prize list for the winners:
The No.1 : US$500 cash , OR choose any items from the www.ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$800 total value.
The No.2 : US$300 cash , OR choose any items from the www.ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$500 total value.
The No.3 : US$200 cash , OR choose any items from the www.ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$300 total value.
The No.4~10 : Can choose any items from the www.ic2005.com NEO online shop, just not over U$150 total value, or choose US$100 cash.
The 2 NEO Top Review winners (each division will have one TOP winner) can choose anyone item from the www.ic2005.com NEO online shop (just not over U$100 total value), or choose US$100 cash.
Here's another one of my VGM players that I've written lately; an NES version. (the others are here, here and here).
This version supports Master System, Game Gear (SN76489) and NES (2A03) music in VGM format. Music made for other machines using SN76489 – like Colecovision and BBC Micro – should also work, but might not sound correct due to differences in the noise LFSR width.
Release thread : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6715.0.html
This is a VGM player I've written for the original monochrome Gameboy (and Color/Light/SGB/Advance).
You can download it and the source code here And you can see/hear it in action here
It obviously doesn't cover all the chips supported by the VGM format. Only the SN76489 is emulated (used in Sega Master System and Game Gear).
Since the waveform channel on the Gameboy only has 4 different volume settings it'll probably sound weird in some songs. Loading new waveforms dynamically to simulate 16 volume settings didn't seem like a good option.
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This DEMO version just support the 1001 (1M) eeprom chip, don't support the 2001/4001 chips yet, please don't use it when you see the 3DS cart is NOT use 1001 ic ! The next version will coming after 1 week, support more IC type, and support SMS4 also
please wait a moment, we are hark working with it still 
Building a new Genesis/32X toolchain ( by ChillyWilly )
1 – Go here and download the following:
gcc-4.5.2.tar.bz2 gcc-g++-4.5.2.tar.bz2 gcc-objc-4.5.2.tar.bz2
Decompress them all in the same folder; you should end up with one folder called gcc-4.5.2.
2.1 – Go here and download mpfr-2.4.2.tar.bz2. 2.2 – Go here and download mpc-0.8.2.tar.gz. 2.3 – Go here and download gmp-5.0.1.tar.bz2.
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Neo N64 Myth menu v2.2 has been released!
What's new:
-Updated menu to latest libdragon revision -SD loading speeds improved for .N64(No intro)/.Z64(GoodN64) images
Download links & more info : N64 Myth menu release thread
This is the new 2.6 core for the SNES Myth cart. The current menu (0.55) doesn't yet make use of any features in the 2.6 core. ….or at least it wasn't supposed to  I realized after I had released the 0.55 menu that I had forgot to remove some code, so VGZ playback will currently only work if you have the new core. I'll fix that in the next menu. Nothing else should be affected.
What's new in 2.6
The short story: It allows for slightly better Inflate (unzip) performance, which can be used for improving loading times of zipped ROMs and VGZ files.
The long story: Writing 8-bit data to the Myth's PSRAM doesn't work the same as for the SNES's own WorkRAM. ……………………….
Click here to read the full post.
v0.55 of the SNES menu has been released: http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/downloads/list
New in this version:
* Faster SD loading. The transfer speed has been increased about 15-20% (I get around 140 kB/s with my SanDisk Ultra card). * The unzip speed has been increased about 50%. * Fixed a bug related to unzipping headered ROMs. * The menu now looks for the SETTINGS.TXT file (optional) in /MENU/SNES instead of /SNES. * Loading ROMs larger than 32 Mbit from SD should hopefully work again.
Click here to read the original post.
The NEO SEGA Master System is ready for sale, here is the menu source code for dev. 
Final spec: * support all sega master system (sega4) games * support save * support cheat code, can enable/disable the cheat code in the game playing, just simple to press one switch then can swap it. When the cheat code function enable, LED = RED, when disable LED = GREEN. * support return to menu function (software reset) * support FM sound * come with 256M neo2 myth flash cart and SL4 programmer
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The SMS4/MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.11 [Jan.18th 2011]
history: * support the Pokemon HG/SS and Pokemon soul silver game cart eeprom backup * fix one SD loading issue for GBA games * update these myth menu to the last version: SNES Myth SD Menu v0.54 MD have v2.5 n64 use the 1.9.1
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6457.0.html
v0.54 of the SNES menu has been released: http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/downloads/list
YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GV1PhLPekjo
New in this version: * Long filenames in SD mode. * Support for changing some of the default menu values through a SETTINGS.TXT file in the /SNES directory on the SD card. * Loading of zipped ROMs from SD.
Click here to read the full post.
SNES Myth core firmware v2.4 has been released!
+Improved SD transfer speed
Download it here
v0.53 of the SNES menu has been released: http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/downloads/list
YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5NZSjFohBo
New in this version:
* Better compatibility with ROMs that have weird sizes when loading from the SD card. This mainly affects old homebrew demos/cracktros.
* Support for VGZ files. No need to decompress the songs before putting them on the SD card.
Click here to read the full post.
v0.52 of the SNES menu has been released: http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/downloads/list
YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2I7TD_94dp4
New in this version:
* Much faster game loading from SD if you've got the 2.4 firmware on your Myth (this firmware hasn't been released yet but hopefully Dr Neo will release it soon). I get speeds of about 95-110 kB/s with my cards (i.e. loading an 8 Mbit game takes about 9 or 10 seconds). Note that the menu is still compatible with older firmwares, but then you'll get the same transfer speeds as before.
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