
Ok, v0.51 is available: http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/downloads/list
Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-lHYdZqr64
New in this version is mirroring of 20 Mbit ROMs (primarily Street Fighter II Turbo since that's the only one I know of so far). The mirroring is pretty slow right now. I can probably speed it up a bit, but that'll have to wait until after christmas. Another new feature is built-in compression of VGM files, so the size limit on VGMs has been raised from 56.5 kB to close to 90 kB (depends a bit on the song). It also possible to enable the DSP echo effect while playing VGMs.
Click here to read the full post.
Here's version 2.5 of the menu for the MD Myth. Changes include:
– Fixed save ram setup for SMS games. This has been broken for some time and only one person noticed! – Added ability to use GG/PAR codes on SMS games in flash, and IPS patches on the SD card; note – this requires an MD Myth with V5 hardware.
Click here to read the full post.
The new SNES Myth Shell v0.50 is now available for download. You can find it at the same place as before: http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/downloads/list
A short video showing some of the features: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeSirFrv5og
Info taken from the readme (key parts in bold):
Using SD cards **************
Take an SD card that has been formatted with FAT16 or FAT32. Create a directory named SNES at the root of your SD card. Inside the SNES directory, create another directory named ROMS. This directory (/SNES/ROMS/) is where you should put all ROMs and music files.
The currently supported file types are:
*.SMC (SNES games) *.SPC (SNES music) *.VGM (uncompressed Sega Master System / Game Gear music)
Click here to read the full post.
NEO SMS4 in stock now!
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6419.0.html

NDS SMS4 FINAL SPEC: ◇ New generation design, more faster and stable ◇ High speed USB Plug and Play, driver FREE ◇ 6X speed up, backup 512M ROM just need 7 minutes ◇ Support more special NDS game cart and save type ◇ Support NDS game save data backup/restore ◇ Support NDS ROM/Firmeare backup to PC ◇ Support MK6/R6 firmware update ◇ Build in 2 color indication LED

NeoMyth MD Menu Deluxe v2.4
If you're wondering where 2.3 is, it was a few test builds released in other threads. It's been a while, so I just bumped this to 2.4. So what's new?
– Faster loading from SD cards. – Fix for the issue where the menu couldn't open a file to load when it opened just fine to read the rom header. – Improved SMS detection when the SMS rom image doesn't have a header. – Fix for the Sega CD backup ram issue (the bram size was reported as twice the size it was supposed to report). – Changed from ".menu" for the special folder to "menu" to make it easier on Windows users. If you have an existing ".menu" folder, rename it to "menu". This also matches the N64 Myth menu name for the special folder.
The archive has all the source, the MDBIOS.bin file you would burn to the menu flash, and the MDEBIOS.bin you would put on the SD card if you use SD-loaded BIOS. Since the special folder name changed from ".menu" to "menu", if you use an older MDBIOS.bin in the menu flash to boot the new menu, there will be a name conflict. You'll either need to update the menu flash bios to the new bios, or settle for two special folders with both the old and new names. I recommend just updating the menu flash.
NEW SNES 2.3 core SPEC:
Added the MODE 4 << COPY MODE $400000~$4FFFFF = $C00000~$CFFFFF < map to GBA card flash/psram memory $500000~$5FFFFF = $D00000~$DFFFFF < map to SNES card PSRAM
$00C042 SET 0X01 enable the real time save function (by default is disable,you must set it before enter the game)
in the game if $00FFFE SET 0X01 ………………………………..
Click to read the full post
Okay, here's the next update. This version fixes the issues playing MIDI files – there were two problems: I was freeing memory twice in one place, and the libdragon system memory allocator didn't properly check for running out of memory. Note that when libWildMidi runs out of memory while parsing a MIDI track, it won't play the track, but if it runs out of memory while loading the instruments, it will… but with the instruments already loaded. So if you play a song and one or more instruments are wildly incorrect (say a piano instead of a tomtom), the N64 ran out of memory. I'm looking into some smaller instruments, but right now, you really need the memory expansion pak for most MIDI tracks. I also lowered the MIDI output sample rate to 22kHz for lower CPU usage.
This version enables a few more profiles in the AAC decoder. Also, the AAC player stops playing a track when it runs into an error in the bitstream like other players do rather than attempting to skip over the error. It was causing too much trouble, and every player I use just stops playing a track on finding an error, so it's not like I'm the only one not trying to deal with errors.
More info : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6323.msg48616.html#msg48616
The NEO Retro Coding Compo 2010 final result! |
more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6358.0.html
After 10 days testing/survey and discussion, here we are pleased to announce the final result of the Neo Retro Compo 2010, congrats to all winners! Thanks for your support and contribution to let us can hold this contest again! |
The APP division, total 16 entries |
Author |
Prize |
No.1 |
[NDS APP] fb4nds – Facebook for DS |
By linoma |
USD 500.00 |
No.2 |
[N64 APP] GeneScript scripting language with demo and libraries |
By Conle |
USD 300.00 |
No.3 |
[N64 APP] SMPlayer – The simple music player for the N64 |
By ChillyWilly |
USD 200.00 |
No.4 |
[NDS APP] Online Jukebox DS |
By thecoon |
USD 100.00 |
No.5 |
[PCE APP] Hunter – An NSF player for the TurboGrafx/PC-Engine |
By mic_ |
USD 100.00 |
No.6 |
[PSP APP] PSPDictionary v3.1.0 |
By Gefa |
USD 100.00 |
No.7 |
[NDS APP] Avia : Your Personal Birdwatcher's Guide! |
By SimplexProductions |
USD 100.00 |
No.8 |
[PSP APP] Snes9X Euphoria R4 |
By Zack |
USD 100.00 |
No.9 |
[PSP APP] Cristal Vista 7.0 DEMO |
By Arber |
USD 100.00 |
No.10 |
[NDS APP] Jazzier Suite 2.0 |
By Gaz |
USD 100.00 |
The NDS APP division, total 36 entries |
Author |
Prize |
No.1 |
[NDS GAME] Duyumania |
By Nacho Cuesta |
USD 500.00 |
No.2 |
[PSP GAME] Toy Wars demo version |
By davidgf |
USD 300.00 |
No.3 |
[NDS GAME] Speed Trap |
By NightFox |
USD 200.00 |
No.4 |
[NDS GAME] Puzzli |
By alekmaul |
USD 100.00 |
No.5 |
[MD GAME] Mega-Drive Space Pixy |
By sarang |
USD 100.00 |
No.6 |
[Wii GAME] NanoMechas |
By EvilTroopa |
USD 100.00 |
No.7 |
[PSP GAME] Age Of Nations – RC1 |
By seanpaul223 |
USD 100.00 |
No.8 |
[NDS GAME] Scribble Jump DS |
By s_hansse |
USD 100.00 |
No.8 |
[NDS GAME] Super Smash Bros Crash! DS |
By miguel28 |
USD 100.00 |
No.9 |
[NDS GAME] Chewing Boy NDS |
By morukutsu |
USD 100.00 |
No.10 |
By Geecko |
USD 100.00 |
Top 3 Neo Reviewer: |
No.1 |
NEO COMPO 2010 Reviews By Aleomark: forum and magazine style! |
By: Aleomark |
USD 300.00 |
No.2 |
Reviews by Chilly Willy |
By: ChillyWilly |
USD 200.00 |
No.3 |
Reviews by Lungo tubo. |
By: Lungo tubo di escapamento |
USD 100.00 |
Total prize amount: USD 4100.00 |
We will ship the prize in next weekend, please tell us what you want for your prize, you can choose the PAYPAL USD cash, or can choose the same value goods from www.ic2005.com , just like last Neo compo. |
Post your wish to here: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6357.0.html |
At Aug.20th-2011, the next NEO retro contest can't without you, you are our neo team power source 🙂 |
The last NDS SMS4 (Super Memory Stick v4) for Original NDS cart and R6 release soon! more info: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6344.0.html
NDS SMS SPEC: ◇ 2in1 intelligent design, AUTO detect chip type ◇ Support all original NDS Game Cart and R6 ◇ Support nds game save EEPROM backup/restore ◇ Support nds game ROM backup/restore ◇ Support R6 firmware update and game download (up to 128Mbit) ◇ Support the special game cart like pockmon silver/gold serial ◇ The NDS ROM backup speed is 16X faster than SMS2 at least ◇ Build in 2 color LED indication

Release time: in Sep.2010 From the neo2 pro v1.06, support SMS4 already.
The MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/SMS4 Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.03 [Aug.31th 2010]
[2010-8-31 V1.06] * Add the last SMS4 supporting from this version * Update the N64 menu to V1.9, thanks CW! * Upgrade some icons * Fix some bugs

download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6341.0.html
We are up to v1.9 – so what's new this time around? New default images (trying to avoid any copyright issues), and box art! Box art is only for people using an SD card. While browsing the SD card, the box art for games will be shown when viewing the game options. If you don't have any box art, or are browsing the game flash, you get a generic box art display. One internal change is the way save memory is initialized when it's first created. Before, it was always written to all 1's. Now EEPROM and SRAM are written to all 0's while FRAM is still written to all 1's. This might affect the way some games handle the save memory. You should probably delete your old saves unless you started originally with a save from an emulator. Also, the Fat Filesystem (libff) has been updated to the latest version. It's supposed to have faster seeking, but that probably won't be noticeable in the menu.
Many thanks to sanni for the art work. 
Click here for more info
Why am I working on this? I could be working on getting something finished for the summer competition. 
Y'all are just damn lucky I like you. 
So what's new this time around? Well, how about GAMES LOAD TWICE AS FAST! 
Load times are now 0:13 for 4 MBytes, 0:27 for 8 MBytes, 0:53 for 16 MBytes, and 1:46 for 32 MBytes. 
Other changes include the ability to cycle between the wallpaper, the patterns, and a blank background. The menu now remembers the browser settings, including which background you had selected, whether you were browsing the flash or the SD card, and whether you were viewing the game info, or the game options.
A minor change was made to the game startup to better simulate a cold boot.
Download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6316
Don't you hate it when they update on you so quickly! 
Hot on the heels of v1.5, here's v1.6. Fixed a quirk with the game flash menu interpretation so that "odd" banks are dealt with properly. This should take care of those roms that seem to not run from the cart. You could recognize them by the bank number – if you're looking at the bank number and see them go like bank 0, bank 1, bank 2, bank 192, that oddball 192 is not really a bank number, it's the Mbit offset to the rom. There was a similar issue with the rom size that I took care of quite a while back.
You can now also provide your own backdrop images for the splash, browser, and loader (any or all). Just make a "/.menu/n64/images/ directory and put the custom images there. They should be non-progressive jpeg images of 320 pixels wide by 240 lines tall named as follows: "splash.jpg", "browser.jpg", and "loading.jpg". If the files exist on the SD card, the menu will use them in place of the ones in the menu resources.  You can also now delete slots in the slot selector (when running a game with save ram from a flash-only cart). Just press Z to delete the currently high-lighted slot.
Download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6263
My updated menu for the PC-E flash card is now available for download at http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/downloads/list
The source code (for those interested) is available at http://code.google.com/p/neo-myth-menu/source/browse/#svn/trunk/PCE
I've only been able to test it on my TurboGrafx so far, but hopefully it should work the same on a PC-Engine.

More information : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6253.0.html
This is a new GUI style for Chillywilly's Neo N64 Myth Menu 1.4  Read the included readme for details. 
Neo N64 Myth Menu 1.4S (SD) (unofficial) ————————————
Please read original readme in /src first. This needs the original 1.4 menu already flashed to the N64 Myth U2.
Install notes: Copy directory ".menu" to root of SD card
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!USE AT OWN RISK!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.4S Changes: – now based on chillywilly's 1.4 menu – //scode tags in source code where I altered it – more and bigger boxarts (about 300, 4x the size) – boxarts now load from SD – if game is not found in database, default save option will be MEMPAK meaning you most likely need a Mempak to save.
Download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6230.0.html
Quick update… this fixes the EEPROM load/save (I hope). I tested with Cruis'n USA and Ridge Racer 64 ( a 4k and 16k eeprom game respectively). If you wish to compile your own version of this, you'll need to update your libdragon as well – I added eeprom read/write code to the lib.
I really hope I don't have to add FRAM specific code… that's a real bitch to handle. 
Download : http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6246
UPDATE by sanni
download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6230.0.html Thanks to Chillywilly the code now looks a lot better. 
 I also integrated some boxarts. They are only 64×50 pixels in size so depending on your TV they may look ugly. 

MF version was not tested so better use the SD version.
Neo N64 Myth Menu v1.1S2 (unofficial) ————————————
Please read original readme in /src first. This needs the original 1.1 Menu already flashed to the N64 Myth U2.
Install notes: Either copy NEON64SD.v64 to "/.menu/n64/NEON64SD.v64" on your SD card or flash NEON64MF.v64 to NEO2 cart.
1.1S2 Changes: – added some boxart (about one hundred) – only starts in SD browser mode when run from SD cart – code cleanup thanks to cw
1.1S Changes from original menu: – starts in SD browser mode – options enabled by default – auto cic and save configuration (not all rom settings included yet)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!wait until you actually see the boot and savetype written on screen before you start the rom!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
—– 2010
Here is the latest version of the N64 Myth menu – v1.1. Changes include:
Fixed crash when you pressed A or B with no games in the game list. Fixed crash when you started a game from the SD card before the game info was fetched. Changed save type and CIC type options to show what they are instead of just a number. If you have a Neo2-SD or Pro and run the game from the SD card, reset to game works for all games. Still trying to figure a way to do than from game flash in a compatible manner. This feature requires you to have the menu burned to the N64 U2 menu flash. Added ability for N64 U2 menu to automatically run menu from the GBA menu flash or the SD card. If you run the menu from the GBA menu flash in the first place, it will also check for the menu on the SD card. This creates about a 3 second delay when you don't have an SD card (flash only cart, or no SD card in the cart). Basically, you want to burn the v1.1 menu into the N64 U2 flash, then all minor updates can simply be run from the SD card (or GBA menu flash for flash only carts).
Please read the readme for all the details.
Download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6227
After I had written my SNES VGM player I was thinking that it shouldn't be that hard to write a playback library for the PC-Engine as well, since the PCE PSG is a wavetable synth just like the SPC. So a couple of days ago I started writing a HuC6280 version of the playback library, and a utility program that splits VGM files into 32kB banks and combines them with the player into a HES file (the format used for PCE music rips. You can play them in winamp with nezplug++, or in an emulator like mednafen)
Click here to read the full post
The MD/N64/SNES/PC-E/NDS Myth flash cart Pro programmer V1.03 [July.22th 2010]
[2010-7-22 V1.03] * Fix the PC-E cart write bug, and add the PC-E format function * Fix few SNES/MD plug-in bugs * Upgrade the MD plug in to the last version

download: http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,6210.0.html